Posts by Samdup

30 Days Challenge: Day 02

Hello everyone, I am logging here the second day of my 30 days challange. Today, I was not able to read much from the book however, I am happy to…
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30 Days Challenge: Day 01

Tashi Delek everyone, I hope you all are doing well 🙂  I know the way how I present my blog doesn’t attract much people, and those who read my blogs…
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How I took down Mercury

Overview: Target Machine IP Address: My Machine IP Address: Mission: Boot to Root To get root flag To get root access Description: "Oh no our webserver got compromised.…

Let’s take down JANGOW 01


Target Machine IP Address: My Kali Machine IP Address:


Boot to Root

  1. To get user flag
  2. To get root flag
  3. To get root access Level: Easy/Medium


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