Hello there!
Although I didn’t mention much about the books I read in the blog, I write quite often about it on the Facebook. And it appears to me that not many people appreciate the frequent posts of foods, places, selfies, activities etc.; and label it as a form of narcissist. However, I disagree with such form of prejudice.
If you feel not comfortable to see the posts, you can either unfriend, unfollow or even block the person from your list of friends.
In many occasion, I find much of your happiness or unhappiness depends on your own choice.
Anyhow, like I mentioned in other posts that I am going to read at least one book monthly. And “How to talk to anyone anytime anywhere” by Larry King was my chosen book for June.
Unlike other books, I read it(out loud) every morning, 50 pages. And since the words are large and I could finish it very fast. Therefore, such sense of achievement from the early morning was quite a rewarding experience.
By the way, right from the school, I was quite an extrovert person therefore, much of things addressed in the book was quite easy for me to pick up, so I didn’t have to consciously make note of anything. Nevertheless, there is one particular point which really helped me and I would like to share it with you.
At the very beginning, Larry mentioned about speaking the “Truth” will help you to get ease. It was so true. Recently, I had an opportunity to provide training in Valencia, Spain. Although that was my second time to provide training at that place, and the room was filled by techies (computer) and managers from different continents. Additionally, 3/4th of the people were older than me (in terms of experience and age).
I did good research. Both theory and practicals required for the training was prepared very well. Nevertheless, it would be a lie if I say I was not nervous at all. Therefore, I told them at the beginning, “I am going to provide you training on XXX. I know many people might be familiar with the subject and perhaps is a “Guru” (elite) in the field, therefore, I would really appreciate your assistance during the course of training, provided I have no solution to the problem addresses from the audience. Besides, I am a Tibetan who speaks Tibetan,Chinese and Hindi apart from English. Therefore, please excuse my language and feel free to ask me questions anytime.” Audience laughed and I felt much better. The training went smoothly and few even exchange their visiting cards with me for future collaborations.
And I know this simple fact is not some kind of Eureka philosophy, nevertheless, I think such simple tips really does make difference.
That’s all for today!
Wish you all have a wonderful weekend 🙂