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Will I able to pwn “Lord Of the Root” ?

Hello there, I hope you are all safe and doing well. I am not sure whether it is a good idea however, instead of prayer all the time why not I volunteer to do the errand of old people around the place I stay, to purchase groceries and basic necessary things during the lock down period. So I am going to make few notice page and leave my contact there provided anybody require my help. Yes, my parents are in Tibet which I can’t physically help them but I do believe in karma. If I help the people in here, there will be kind and compassionate people over there who will assist my parent 🙂  (Even if it is just a fallacies, I am gonna believe it :)) OK. Today, I am going to do a very challenging box (at least to me lol). Hopefully, it won’t beat me black and blues lol Step 01:
Kali Linux IP: Step 02: Target machine IP: You can try any methods (more…)

Me and My Girl Friend – This is the machine name lol

Today is 22nd March and we are having all India curfew to “stay at Home” from the COVID-19.  Had a good breakfast and by the time I was washing my face, a kettle of water is already boiled. So, everything set to pwn the machine. ********************************************************************************************* Description og the Game: This VM tells us that there are a couple of lovers namely Alice and Bob, where the couple was originally very romantic, but since Alice worked at a private company, “Ceban Corp“, something has changed from Alice’s attitude towards Bob like something is “hidden”, And Bob asks for your help to get what Alice is hiding and get full access to the company! Difficulty Level: Beginner Notes: there are 2 flag files Learning: Web Application | Simple Privilege Escalation Download the Machine from this link: Click Here ******************************************************************************************************************************************** Step 01:
sudo ifconfig
My Kali Linux Machine IP address is: Step 02:
nmap > target_ip.log 

cat target_ip.log
I know save this output because I get confused with different IP addresses (recently I been playing with couple of machines) So the Target Machine IP address is: Step 03: Let’s find what services, service version and port numbers is currently running on it.
nmap -sC -sV -p- -oN nmap.log
Step 04: It is confirmed that a webserver (Apache) is running on it. Besides, result of step 03 is very important. If we can’t find anything useful, we will have to go through it again and attack another services etc.. So keep this in mind. Let’s find files in the webserver.. Which usually you can do with nikto or gobuster. I do both.
nikto -h > nikto.log
Visit the website and files we found through nikto scanner 1.1 Visit website. “The site can only be accessed local”  which is very important hint. (localhost or 1.2. Source code: Ctrl+U (on firefox) very important hint “use x-forwarded-for” To be honest, I know it will act as redirection but I don’t know the syntax so I googled and I got this .. So the syntax is
x-forwarded-for localhost
1.3 At this time, I just fire-up my burp suite and modified the request.  (let me know if you don’t know how to use burpsuite or configure it, in the comment). I had to manually put the custom header value there on each request (x-forward-for: localhost) However, I am very happy with the result and perhaps when time permits me today, I will read more on how to automate this, so that I won’t have to spend that much time for such task 🙂 Yes, when I see the login page I felt very excited and google few sql cheat sheet right away and start experimenting. Nevertheless, I was no luck. However, if you have read the last couple of post, I did LFI to one of the box. So, I thought why not I open an account and upload my shell in there. (usually this is done during the bug bounty too) So I began to messing with the ID values up in the URL location. I place 1 there and checked, then 2, and then 3… I enumerate till 6 and I got all the user registered on this website with their password. If you do remember the game description which is at the very beginning of this write up,  our person of the interest is alice. Yeah, we got the password of user alice.
username: alice 
password: 4lic3
As per the nmap result, we know that the SSH protocol is running on the box.
ssh alice@
Usually, I used to think how come those blogger knows everything about the box.. Now I realized it. I tried SUID binaries and tried and ran into my rabbit holes, but I didn’t write it here lol While I was solving the previous box, the author trolled me to wait for password (although there isn’t one) and the user itself is sudo user so no complex exploit is required to root that. Therefore, in this box, I would like to test whether the current user has sudo on it. So I googled the syntax and guess what I got?
Yes, /usr/bin/php has root privilege enabled on it.
I know through python, we can escalate the privilege by writing three lines of code (to set value for setuid, setgid). However, I have no idea with PHP. So I googled a little and thought it will be faster to ask some pointer from OSCP STUDY GROUP.  Indeed I got help and I was able to root it within few seconds. (using this link) So I will not write details of it,  because everything is there in that link. Probably you should read a little too 🙂 As per the requirement, we need to get two flags and root the system. So far we root the system and got one flag. However, another one I am not sure where it is. Let’s use the power of find command lol find / -name gfriEND* No, I didn’t find anything. Let’s enumerate again carefully this time… Yes, indeed.. it is here… fishhhhhhh lol Flag 01 is here: Final Assign and message which Bob wish to know is here. Going to prepare lunch now.. Hopefully I could take down another box today 🙂

owing born2root

Hello and Tashi Delek everyone, Although there isn’t many COVID19 cases around the place I stay,  the ominous air of uncertainty and concern from the people getting increases. By the way, I reached Dharamsala yesterday and, as soon as I got in room, I did wash all the clothes I wear during the journey (I took a flight and a bus to reach here), and apart from few electronic gadgets, literally I washed everything and had loaded my kitchen with rations (this is my ritualistic habit whenever I get back to room, not because of the current situation though) and other amenities. After a sumptuous meal, I retired early yesterday. Anyway, I woke up around 5 o’clock today and feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Nevertheless, I had to wait till April to renew my internet connection. I thought why not I play this “born2root” to kill some time, because I find it abnormally quiet here (because at Bangalore, I stay at my friend’s place and usually commotion of college students push life in the atmosphere there). Am I missing the place?! Let’s see whether we can break this machine or not 🙂
Step 01: ifconfig 

Kali Machine IP:

Step 02: nmap > target_ip.log 

Target Machine IP:

Step 03: Information Gathering 

nmap -sC -sV -p- -oN nmap.log
  From the output, I can deduce that it runs SSH, Apache webserver and rpcbind. Let’s check the low hanging first. The web part. It has a website on it, it reveals lot of information. I am not sure why, but I feel like taking the website content (including keywords and usernames) to make a list, perhaps I could use it as dictionary later on.
Then I visit robots.txt and I didn’t get potential information. I did run exiftool on the image though.. I ran nikto to enumerate and usually if I don’t find any, I use gobuster.
nikto -h > nikto.log
Indeed, it shown couple of interesting information however, much of those yield no important information apart from one file. I visited the first two text files, I got this key. I didn’t check further because I got this key. However, if it is real application, I would definitely download the entire pictures and analyze each one though. Remember, we got couple of good username from the above steps. So, first is martin, I tried to login with this username.
ssh -i id_rsa martin@
Oh my god, I used a good amount of time, simple to know the password for it. It really got me.. IT”S A TROLL AND YOU JUST NEED TO PRESS ENTER! And then, I reached to a state that I couldn’t find anything.. Here is the proof that what I was doing.. At this moment, I really learned a new tip, that is if you want to check whether any cron job is set or not, don’t just depend on crontab -l But check,
cat /etc/crontab          to know the full entry of cron. I learned this from other blog
yes, from above write we can see that there is a cronjob entry for user jimmy which runs at every 5 minutes. Therefore, I copied a python reverse shell command from pentest monkey.And  waiting for the reverse connection. So finger cross 🙂 By the way, if you are not getting reverse connection, try to polish the script you copy from the pentest money and make it more like native python program (like how we used to write normally with shbank).  By the way, don’t try to execute the python program, you can get the reverse shell connection with martin user again. So patiently wait for five minutes or go and fill up your tea cup 🙂 yes, I got the reverse connection of user jimmy. Then, I try to switch user to jimmy and martin and it was not successful. I reached my wits end.  Had a delicious mushroom noodle with broth made of vegetables. (Yeah, I am veggie lol). Then had brushed my teeth and literally if I can pwn this box, I am sure I will have a great sleep 😉 I googled and came to know of a beautiful tool called cewl. I try with hydra and it was not successful. Then, I read this writeup.  The author tried a tool called cupp to generate dictionary and it was beautiful. Nevertheless, I was not able to crack with hydra. I read the writeup again and check it again and it seems the password of user hadi is hadi123. I was little baffled why the wordlist generator eliminate such obvious password. Anyway, I add it manually to my dictionary and it helped me confirm that it was not hydra’s fault. Cheers buddy lol And I got login [You can click on the image to see the command] Finally, here is the flag 🙂

owning Toppo Machine

This box is in the list of (old) OSCP like machine,  so I am going to try this box. Require Task: 1. To get root level access 2. To get the flag **** You can download the machine from here. **** Information Gathering: Kali Linux Machine IP: Target Machine IP: Enumerating Services, Versions, Ports
nmap -sC -sV -p-  > nmap.log
Since we can see that Apache Web Server is running, therefore, I presume there is there website and we can try robots.txt No important information was able to find in source code and robots.txt. I ran gobuster
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt > gobuster.log
Visit the website We got password : 12345ted123 I guessed the username: ted We already have IP address of the machine and from nmap result, we know that the machine runs SSH service.
ssh ted@ 
(enter the above password)

Privilege Escalation: At this point, I check kernel version and it appears to me that it is vulnerable, so what I thought to do was, first I will enumerate whether it has any potential suid binaries which could help me to escalated the privilege. If I can’t find any, then will try the kernel exploit. Let’s find the binaries  using the following command.. referred link
find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
I am interested with the python part, because I learned a simple code to escalate to root from google.  (apologize for I am not able to recalled from which link).
import os 

Yes, we got the root privilege.. now let’s get the flag 🙂 Voila!!

Rooting Mr. Robot

Task Goal: 1. To get root access to the machine 2. Acquire three keys:
      1. Key 1: 073403c8a58a1f80d943455fb30724b9
      2. Key 2: 822c73956184f694993bede3eb39f959
      3. Key 3: 04787ddef27c3dee1ee161b21670b4e4
  Resource Materials: Download Mr. Robot Machine from Here. Download Kali Linux Machine from Here. Information Gathering: Step 01:  ifconfig Kali Linux Machine IP: Step 02: nmap Mr. Robot or Target Machine IP: Step 03:  Get the details of ports and services running on Target Machine nmap -sC -sV -p- >  vulhub/mrrobot/nmap.log It’s clearly showing that there is a web server  running on port 80 and 443. Let me visit those. Yes, I checked the details of the front-end, didn’t find anything of use. Then, I checked the source code. Nothing special either. I read couple of write-ups in the past and those help me to have a methodology of myself. Usually, at this time, usually I check for availability of robots.txt and if I don’t find any, then I run nikto and gobuster. Luckily I found something through robots.txt I want to download those files.. By the way, by the look of it, I can deduce one thing that, I need to get three keys and out of those three, here is the first one 🙂 Yippee! Step 04: Download all the materials


cat key-1-of-3.txt

To be honest, my happiness did short live.. after the first key, I am reached at my wits end. Therefore, usually at such period, I look carefully to the things I found and if I didn’t find anything substantial, I do enumerate again.. I have two ideas in my mind.. one is to play around with the word list
We will launch a brute force attack on wp-login.php page. Another one is to perform nikto and gobuster. To save time, I am going to do everything simultaneously… Luckily I performed sort, else it will definitely going to take a huge amount of time. (because I found many duplicate datas in the dictionary file which I downloaded from the target website) By the way, I have saved a script to perform wp-login.php  bruteforce attack sometime back and I am glad that I can use it here 🙂  (By the way, you don’t have to worry about this script, if you which to learn about this, you can easily fire your burp suite and you will get the main logic and,  man hyra will help you to frame the argument). Step 05: 1. Brute Force  wp-login.php a)  We don’t know the username. So first we will do the username brute force.
hydra -vV -L fsociety.dic -p test http-post-form '/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^&wp-submit=Log+In:F=Invalid username'
b) Username: is elliot Now, we need to bruteforce password.  To get password, here is it..
hydra -vV -l elliot -P fsociety.dic http-post-form '/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^&wp-submit=Log+In:F=Invalid username'
And password is : ER28-0652 At the background, I would like to run the following two tasks (because I want to dig little more) 2. Run nikto
nikto -h > nikto-
3. Run gobuster
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
Step 05: Took huge amount of time (because of Brute Force) Anyway, I logged into the website, and luckily “Editor” function is not disabled, that means I can inject my own code in there.  I am going to plant a php reverse shell there in 404.php page. Because not many developer or people care for this page. pentest-monkey has great list of scripts.  you can download the php reverse shell from here.   I did copy the shell and paste it in 404.php By the way, you need to change the IP address and port number which mentioned the the php reverse shell. Port number can be anything of your choice and my favorite is 9000. well the IP address of my Kali Linux Machine is (I reset my machine, you won’t face any problem) My Kali Linux (or Attacker) machine is waiting the reverse connection
nc -lvp 9000
Now, all I need to do is to visit the 404.php. It indeed thrown reverse connection just by visiting I found the flag2 and a credential file. However, due to privilege restriction, I am not able to access it. To be honest, at this moment,  I have left with no choice but to enumerate whether there are any SUID enabled binaries on the server; to escalate my current privilege … let’s try.. (If you need to know more about SUID binary finding, visit this link)
find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null 

/usr/local/bin/nmap --interactive 


cat home/robot/key-2-of-3.txt 
822c73956184f694993bede3eb39f959  [our second flag]

cat home/robot/password.raw-md5
Privilege escalation using nmap resource is here. I tried john to crack the hash, and vm crashed for several times.. so I decided to move forward. (Later I was able to crack the hash using Again bumped to the wall so …what we need to do is enumerate more.. I read a many articles on eternal-blue and dirty cow, because many of the people recommend to try those (kernel) exploit if you don’t have any option left. At that moment, I thought it is my time to check for kernel exploit. Therefore, I checked the kernel version, and it is indeed vulnerable to an exploit. kernel version of the Target machine:
uname -r
The kernel version is 3.13.0-55-generic, which is vulnerable to this exploit. I did compiled the exploit on the victim machine and executed the exploit on victim machine and yeah.. Got the root as well as the third or the final flag..
gcc exploit.c -o exploit 
cat /home/root/key-3-of-3.txt
  Voila!! Finally… Although I have popped this machine earlier using msfconsole, but this time, I did it entirely  manually and it’s truly more satisfying and learned many more cool things!!  

How to install gobuster in Kali Linux 2020

Hello guys, I am sure you must be aware that Kali Linux 2020 distro doesn’t have the gobuster tools pre-loaded in the package, and perhaps many of you already compiled it and made it work in your machines. However, I am quite certain that there are still many people who were in the verge of shifting to dirb or dirbuster tools.. (which is also an awesome tool though) just because it is not available in your new distro. To be honest, I want to have gobuster in my Kali Machine, therefore, I tried couple of ways and at the end, it did work. Thought to share with you guys 🙂 Peace! (more…)

The Pros and Cons of Travelling by Car

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