Walkthrough for SickOs 1.1

Firstly we need to know the machine (Target Machine) IP address. I know three ways to get it, but in this write up, I will go with the one which I picked up recently.

By the way, my Host IP address is

sudo arp-scan --interface=vboxnet0

Target Machine IP :

Now, we need to know what services, ports etc. are running on the machine.

nmap -sC -sV -p- -Pn -oN nmap.log

We can clearly see that it is running

1. SSH 22

  1. http-proxy Squid http proxy on port 3128

I had to struggle a little on Squid Proxy because I thought too much like its functionalities and lot of other stuffs..

I was little disappoint with gobuster, however nikto really helped me in this.

nikto -h -useproxy

I am happy that it ran, but it didn’t me any important things.

Without Proxy

Hats-off to foxy-proxy. It made my life easy.

After setup, we got the access to the website.

There isn’t anything in the source code.


I visited almost all the page and links and came saw there is ? in all the URL Besides, every CMS has a admin panel login like wp-login.php or wpadmin for wordpress and admin for joomla. Likewise, I tried login and admin. And finally, admin parameter helped me to redirect to the login page.


I tried admin:password and admin:admin for username and password respectively and admin:admin did logged in.

Then, I didn’t bother much as soon as I saw the Home page with PHP code, written in it. I paste a php revershell, and it did work for me.

On my host machine, I am waiting a reverse connection from the above CMS.

nc -lvp 9000

As soon as I visit the Homepage, I got a reverse connection.

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

export TERM=xterm

From above, we can conclude that there is a username called sickos. 

And since we know that there is CMS is running, it can be certain that there is file which contains Database Credentials like wp-config.php in WordPress.

username: root and sickos (Which we got from above enumeration)

password: john@123

I tried ssh connection with above credentials. Only username with sickos@  worked with the password john@123

Every time, as soon as I got ssh, I like to check the privilege of the user with

sudo -l

The current user has the sudo permission allowed.

we got the flag, finally 🙂

It’s almost 11PM here, I think now I can have a good night sleep 🙂

samdup, tcert

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